She hung herself? Say what? Who the hell hangs
themself anymore? Sounds fishy to me, but maybe that's because I'm paranoid.
Why didn't she just do her time and in the meantime write a tell all book about all the high-profile Johns she supplied high-quality ass to? I bet a few of them were judges (perhaps even the one that sentenced her?)
It seems absurd to me that she was even sentenced in the first place. Why not sentence the high-profile Johns that create the demand for the service in the first place? Oh yeah, because this is the land of the free, home of the hypocritical.

In other news, I love how Barbara is bragging about having an affair with a BBC. You're so fucking progressive Barbara! Wow! You're such a renaissance woman! God damn, just because it's in vogue to be fucking BBC doesn't mean it wasn't wrong. He was fucking married, you self-righteous bimbo, which made it wrong. Bottom-line.
Oh, and I finished the add-on chapters to my novel. Yay, I'm finally done, again! I'll be looking for professional editors/publishers at the end of May (when I get back from my mother's funeral). Oh, and the novel is much less whiny, more well-written, and better edited than this experimental blog. I'll also be adding more content that I've been meaning to add once I get this life shit behind me.