"My Penis isn't much bigger than this, so what's the big deal?" Roman asks the police before they apprehend him for ass-fucking a thirteen year old girl.
Oh, Hollywood. You get even more twisted and depraved by the day despite all your self-righteous causes and all the African babies you adopt. It saddens me to no end to see some of my most beloved film-makers supporting this kiddy-fucker. It really makes me wonder what kind of kiddy fucking they're all getting themselves into in their spare time. I mean, how do you defend a kiddy ass fucking, dirty old man, who to top it off is too much of a coward to take responsibility for what he did, so in-turn he high-tales is to the land of kiddy-fuckers? Wait, by Hollywood's logic he did take responsibility by paying off the little girl he raped. Whoops, I forgot-throwing money at things makes everything right, and inturn all our troubles go away not only in Hollywood, but America in general.
Oh, wait. I get it! He's a great artist, which automatically relieves him of the sin of being a total piece of shit and a poor excuse for a human being.
Ugh, where's Travis Bickle when you need him?

I think I'm going to use all my Martin Scorcsese films for target practice for supporting Roman "Kiddy Fucker" Polanski.
Martin Scorcese and Tilda Swinton said something to the likes of "this sets a dangerous precedent". What? You mean the dangerous precedent of bringing dirty old men that enjoy drugging and ass-fucking thirteen year old girls in the ass to justice? I guess, Tilda is afraid that the 13 year-old girl she's ass fucking with her ice-princess strap-on might come after her soon. And Marin, I'm not sure if you have a 13 year old daughter, but if you do would you mind me coming over and fucking her in the ass? I mean, I have this really great book which I'm getting close to selling, which would make it okay, right? I promise, I'll let you direct it when they sell the movie rights.
Shit, this country/world is fucked. And don't tell me the recession is over. What a load of crap. The "experts" seem to have forgotten one major thing about all the recoveries of the past-they occurred in line with job creation. If this is a truly a recovery than it will truly be ground breaking because it will be a "jobless recovery", which basically means the rich get richer, the poor get poorer, and everyone in between gets fucked in the ass by dream-fuckers like Roman Polanski.