R.I.P., young prince of America, we are merely your greedy, voyeuristic paupers looking for our next fix from behind the judgmental safety of our t.v. and computer screens. After-all, this is America and it's nobodies fault but everybody else's.

I guess the dream wasn't enough to fill your greedy soul. But it's not your fault, you're only human. Poor guy. Maybe humanity can learn from your loss, or maybe not? It'll be just another night on the town for the Laguna Beach/Hills crowd, and you'll be the hot gossip for a week or two. Then everyone will forget, and move onto devouring the soul of their next victim of stardom. We just can't get enough, it's in our natures.
We love to raise 'em high, and then burn 'em down. Just ask this young princess of America.

God have mercy on our dirty little hearts.
Britney just can't get enough, and neither can we. People like to say it was just a matter of time before she went insane, but the fact of the matter is the American public went insane a long time ago. That's why our society creates people like this. These children are the harvest of the seeds we have sown in our society.