No, shit. It's kind of hard to impose your ideals onto a country that owns you. I can just hear hyper-idealistic Hillary now (she's not b/c she's much too smart for that).
Hillary: Yeah, we want to borrow trillions of dollars, but you have to stop exploiting your workers that enable you to build up your GDP. Thus, allowing you to have the cash flow to lend us money so we can still support our bloated ideals that wouldn't be possible without you committing gross human rights atrocities to your own people, not to mention your neighbors.
China: Fuck you, hypocritical, high-minded American with your gilded ideals and lofty rhetoric. If you didn't already know: we own your ass. And if you ever want anymore money from us you better shut the hell up. You better hope we don't ever want to collect on those loans, and you're able to pay them back otherwise when shit hits the fan with climate change, water shortages, and overpopulation we'll take what's ours-your whole country's infrastructure that you sold us through municipal bonds and the like.
Hillary: Okay, just give us more money, pretty please.