I saw a bunch of the children of the future looking to make their marks on the world yesterday after school. I was turning left onto Texas off Westgate when I noticed four "students" vacating their car. They were flashing gang signs and yelling obscenities at a "student" walking alone on the side walk. They met each other half-way, blocking thru traffic with their petty gangster posturing and their parked car.
A middle-aged white man in a black Volkswagon Jetta that was right behind the "student's" parked car when it stopped suddenly decided he didn't want to witness the free entertainment and threw it in reverse. The guy really must have been shit his pants because he floored it, flying straight for me in reverse. I had to swerve off to the far right side of the road to avoid him.
I was a little freaked out myself, but the exhilaration and curiosity won out. I slowly pulled forward to watch the scene unfold. The three "students" who jumped out of their car to ambush the individual "student" were busy calling him a "bitch", "coward" and "faggot" as they crept towards him. He was bravely standing his ground on the edge of the street corner while throwing back his own insults. I couldn't believe he wasn't running; I certainly would have been if I were outnumbered by four big ass motherfuckers looking to kick my ass. Then I found out why he wasn't running, and so did they. He opened his coat to reveal something, I'm not sure what because I didn't see it, but it made his four adversaries run like hell back to their car, jump in with slammed doors, and squeal their tires as they got the hell out of there.

I always see these dudes walking down the back of my alley after school, before school, and during school. I've even ran into a few of them smoking bud by my car.

Wow, this place is really getting better everyday, really showing improvement. Shit, it's like Motorcycle Boy said in Rumble Fish: "California is like a wild girl on herion: you can show her the scars, but she still won't believe you when you tell her she's dying". I'd expand that to the rest of American and the world as well.

And this is where they come from-right across the street. Notice the nice new gang signs tagged on the wall, one of which is crossed out.

God damn it, I didn't think people still stole car stereos. I guess I must of gotten on a "students" bad side when I expected him to work hard and educate himself. I should have just left him alone to his own mutually assured self-destruction. It's just the nature of humanity, I guess. No matter where we come from we like to destroy things, especially ourselves and everyone around us.