"You betta watch 'yoself, ho. Or Chris Brown goin' to smack a bitch!"
Ah, our country is really screwed. Normally, I don't comment on message boards, but I had to comment on the yahoo! message board about Chris Brown because of all the retarded things kids have been posting on them about Chris Brown.
My Post:
I love how so many people are talking about Chris Brown like they actually know him. Things like I don't think Chris Brown did it "cuz"...blah, blah, blah. You do not know Chris Brown. You know his carefully constructed image created to sell records to dumb kids.
degrassi1316's comment was especially funny: "Chris is too laid back and nice. If anything Rianna provoked him" or Clara V's "I have read that Rihanna is really controlling and jelous. Other artist have said that she follows him around to every video shoot to make sure girls don't approach him. I don't believe he would do something like that." Or really, what do you know? What do you read besides trash celebrity zines? Do yourselves a favor and get an education.
Damn, this country is really screwed w/ idiot kids like these. I hope your ghetto boyfriend's smack some sense into you b/c you provoked it through your stupidity.