Obama is naive as hell, and is learning a hard lesson in human behavior:
How do you engage a bully? Do you reason with him? Do you appeal to his compassionate side?
No, bullies don't have compassionate sides for the simple fact that if they did, they wouldn't be bullies. In addition, you can't negotiate with power hungry nut-jobs with megalomaniacal superiority complexes, which you are presently learning the hard way (I hope). The sad truth is that at some point you're going to have to show these bastards (Kim too) that you're willing to put your words into action. Otherwise, they won't take any of your empty threats seriously, and will continue trampling all over the human rights of their own citizens as well anyone else in the world they can get their raptor claws on.
The raptors of the world only understand one thing. So, do the right thing, Obama. Be a leader and take the initiative. You've already given them a chance and they spit their raptor bile in your face on numerous occasions, and will continue to do so unless you teach them a lesson. Teach them a lesson: put that big, black foot of yours in their ass! That's the only negotiating tool they'll take seriously!
If you don't the democratic Iranians will eventually give up. History shows us that anytime a small, ruthless group of individuals are willing to use extreme force against a large group of people who aren't willing or able to match that force will eventually give up or be suppressed to the point of impotence. Just ask the Germans during the Nazi Era. People forget that the Nazi's only represented about 30% of the population. The hard-line Iranians represent much more than that, and they have complete control over the economy. Unless you help them this golden opportunity to liberate Iran will pass.
Anyways, I hope this lesson in history and human nature hits home to all you foolish bumper sticker activists driving around with your: "They Don't Hate our freedom, they hate our policies" bumper stickers. You're right, they do hate our policies, and two of our primary policies are free-speech and the right to protest peacefully. Oh, and one our most treasured policies is freedom. I bet you're all so "appalled". Well, guess what: no matter how much reason or compassion you show them the Ayatollah and his thugs don't give shit what you think, and would cut your fucking stupid heads off and kill your children if given the chance.
