Albeit, she could have made her point less venemously and excluded bringing innocent (until they grow up) children into the fray.
Her point is that Hollywood "royalty", as the douche-bag synchophats on celebrity t.v. shows like to call them, are a bunch of stinking hypocrites the size of which only pales in comparison to their self-righteous egos.
People like Jolie and Pitt (and the California elite in general) love to parade around how self-righteous and enlightened they are to the rest of the country/world. And if everyone could just be a little more like them the world would be picture perfect like an air-brushed photo on the cover of Vanity Fair.
The thing is: the world cannot support the California/West-Coast/Hollywood lifestyle that they perpetuate through their life-styles and films. The amount of resources Brangelina consume has to be astounding compared to the average American. I'd love to know the combined carbon foot-print of the Hollywood/West Coast elite compared to the average Midwestern and Southerner who they love to demonize. I'm sure it's a lot because California already pollutes more than the rest of the country combined.
And while it was distasteful for Roseanne to bring Brangelina's kids into the fray she has a point when she say they'll come out "dunces". Those kids are going to be so spoiled that by the time they reach adult-hood they might as well have grown up as white, spoiled, Beverly Hills brats who consume far more than their fair share of the world's resources.
People just don't seem to get it that everything has to change-our lifestyles, mentalities, economies, governments, etc. The sad truth is that humanity learns the hard way. As long as we hold onto the same consumerist, "me, me, me, I'm so fucking special" mentalities nothing is going to really change. That is, until the bottom falls out on our shaky foundations and we're drowning in our own bull-shit.
Until that day happens I'm finding higher ground.
Oh, and I like Bragelina. I just think they're well-paid pawns to a system that they think they're helping to fight/change when in reality they're just perpetuating it despite their self-righteous, ego-stroking efforts. After-all, Hollywood types really aren't that smart and can't see anything outside their own little, individual boxes of greatness.
Go Hollywood hypocrites! Keep on making the psychotic movies that teach kids that they can't be happy without a bunch of cool stuff they don't need! People like you will truly save the world someday-by inadvertently helping to destroy it first so it can be rebuilt.
Peace, out.