It's unfortunate that the Democrats can't even get along anymore. A joint ticket would make for a sure win, while a single ticket makes it a lot easier for McCain to win. And while Obama deserves a shot at the Presidency in reality he's not ready. If he could swallow his pride and join up with Hillary they'd be a formidable match-up with her know how and his charisma. Not to mention, they'd draw most of the independent and a Democrat voters to their side. In addition, Barack could learn the ropes and gain experience while serving with Hillary. It's conceivable that he could spend the next 16 years in the White House (eight as Hillary's vice-president and eight as president when she opts out). Granted, that would mean they'd have to win two elections, and he'd have to follow up by winning his own two elections. But that'll never happen because of foolish pride.
Oh well, it was just a thought. But if McCain wins they'll both be kicking themselves for not joining up for the sure victory instead of being hard headed politicians who want all the glory for themselves. Here's an idea: put your money where your mouths are and do what's best for the American people. Does that entail bickering and tearing each other down for the next few months (doing the Republicans a favor)?