If this guy was an American he would be a multi-millionare now thanks to the lawsuit he would have won for government intimidation on top of all the money he would have gotten from various news outlets for all the pictures he took of Chinese government officials beating up villagers. But instead he's in a shallow grave if he's lucky. If he's really lucky they didn't torture him to death.
No matter how bad things get in America I can always look to China for inspiration concerning my life. I'm also thankful that we shipped all our manufacturing there, so I could save a few bucks at the store. Gotta love that Chinese forced child labor too, it really makes the toys we buy for our kids cheap. I wonder how many people died or are extremely sick from them building their Olympic Stadium?
My, oh my, has the world gotten away from itself, or maybe back to the sad truth of the matter? Only time will tell, as it always has. On the other hand, it's looking profitable to invest in the Chinese Market, so what the hell?