Opening day, same as yesterday.
The day when everyone has a chance to be a winner, a chance to win the world series. Well, at least if you're not the Pittsburgh Pirates or the Tampa Bay "Rays" (formerly known as the "Devil Rays"). I'd like to think I'm neither. I'm more a Colorado Rockey myself-talented, but disappointing. Well, this year it's all going to change. I finished the last edit of my novel "The Land of Lost Dreams" and will be posting excerpts on the blog soon (like, this week).
I swear, I will not procrastinate any longer:
I will not publish blogs and/or pics days or weeks after they were taken (kind of like these lazy-daze pics taken before opening day yesterday).
I will improve upon my blog.
I will submit, submit, submit.
I will keep not smoking cigarettes (24 days and counting).
I will get the hell out of "The Vortex" (aka: Los Angeles).
I will stay in shape.
I will not complain as much.
I will try to be content (as much as a human being can living within a consumer world).
Okay, today is my opening day. I hope history doesn't repeat itself. So, here's to going yard this year, same as last year?...