I went to the body worlds exhibit this weekend. It was quite the experience aside from the freaky cadevaers posed in artistic poses that were supposed to be more science than spectacle. I have to agree that the exhibit is more science than spectacle. The primary spectacle came from observing the people that show up to such public events.
I was surprised by the number of young children at the event. I think there should at least be a: "You have to be tall enough to see in the glass case without being held up by your parents rule". And if your 10-12 year old daughters or sons aren't mature enough to refrain from commenting publicly about about the male/female genitalia in a sexual manner then you probably shouldn't bring them along, or at the very least reprimand them when they say something inappropriate. It still blows me away that I kept hearing a girl that couldn't have been older than 12 repeatedly commenting to her younger sister/friend/relative about how the men's "cocks are rather small" and how she's "had much bigger" throughout the exhibit. Apparently, her parents/guardians didn't give a shit.
However, the most shocking thing of all at the exhibit was the couple passionately making out, feeling each other up, and whispering dirty sweet nothings in each others ears while intermittently glancing at this exhibit. There was also a huge crowd around them. They were shameless. So are we.
1 comment:
Love the model , thanks for the comment good to see some one reads that garbage I write. I think you're right. About the blow job that is. Peace
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