Thursday, January 29, 2009
Unconvincing Bullshit
Wow, you were going to bring in Harry Reid to vouch for you? Now that's a credible man whose word I can respect. And a bunch of other "mostly sympathetic people too". Wow, I really feel sorry for you. We should waste tax payer dollars on a trial for you. Who cares if the FEDS have you on multiple tapes trying to sell the seat? That's not real evidence when Harry Reid and a bunch of "mostly sympathetic people" have your back. Besides, you were just joking around. Governors all over the country joke all the time about selling Senate seats. Didn't you know that?
Oh, and why did you omit the words "so help me God" from your oath of bringing out "the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth". Oh yeah, because you're full of shit and your voice is super annoying. Not to mention, you sound like a whiny little bitch.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
We really are all equal!
Well, I guess if you live in Washington state it's okay to have sex with your students as long as they're 18.
If American students had half as much determination to get an education as this girl...
Monday, January 26, 2009
California's "train wreck" a golden opportunity?

Still, experts say the most populous U.S. state and the world's eighth-largest economy is well placed to rise again and that this crisis could spur major changes in the economy that will pay dividends in the long term.
Abundant natural resources (like the fact they have no drinking water), big ports (that are falling apart), access to the Pacific Rim, a large, relatively young work force (of gang-bangers, under-educated, self-entitled, lazy juvenile delinquents), entrepreneurial draw (marijuana dispensaries) and tech-oriented industries augur well for the future, economists and historians say.
"The prophets of doom and gloom are just not looking at the reality of California," said Jerry Nickelsburg, senior economist at the UCLA Anderson Forecast.
"The government has created kind of a mess and that's a problem to be solved, but the negatives are actually fairly small. I think you can expect a lot of good out of California," he said.
Yeah, the negatives are fairly small if you're living in the ivory tower surrounded by people who create their own rosy realities to keep their business of idealism alive.
California is fucked. Just imagine how bad it would get if a major earthquake hits in the next ten years, the reservoirs go completely dry, the Colorado is damned up, or an a-bomb goes off in one of their ports? (all of which are probable)
Then again, what do I know? I'm one of the many teachers that left the state and are leaving at this very moment. If the public school students are the future of California, then the future isn't too bright. That's another major problem-the gigantic chasm between the rich and the poor both economically and educationally in California.
Well, I hope you the best of luck Cali. You'll need it and so will the rest of the country. People can talk all they want about the history of California and the history of America, but that doesn't change the present and the future. America is different now and so are its people. We don't have as much land or resources to exploit or the hard work and innovation that defined our ancestors. We're a bunch of intellectually lazy, fat, self-entitled slobs/snobs born into a garbage culture. And for some reason we expect everything to work out because we're "the best" and things worked out in the past, thus they will work out in the future. PIPE DREAMS. Keep smoking, Cali.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Bigger, Stronger, Faster!
Oh, and I thought Obama's version of American history in his speech was rosier than the Midwestern, red-state history lessons I got in elementary school and middle-school. It seems that he's the one with a short-memory, or at the very least selective. But aren't we all? Whatever helps us cope with reality, gives us hope. I'd love to point out all the holes in his speech, but I'll save that for some other time. It's my birthday! It must be destiny or something!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Lush Limpdick: "I hope Obama fails"
It just goes to show that Rush is more concerned about his ego and his small penis than the country he claims to "love". He'd rather have Obama fail than have Obama and the liberals succeed in proving beyond a reasonable doubt that Rush and his right-wing extremists are the biggest hypocritical, self-serving, cigar smoking, limp dicks in the history of the world.
That's not to say I don't have some problems with Obama's pipe dreams and hopes, but that doesn't mean I don't hope he succeeds. I hope he proves me wrong-that the majority of Americans aren't a bunch of fat, whinny, undereducated, self-entiltled, self-serving, deluded, hypocritical, violent, snobs that will eat each other alive once thing really get bad.

Rush is imagining that Karl's cock is as big and tasty as this cigar in his mouth.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Damn, I've become a cynic in my old-age.
Congrats, on setting aside your ego...

And way to get on the "buzz-word" band wagon. It worked for "W" and "B.O." Yeah, "smart-power", that'll work. How long has there been sustained peace in the Middle-East for the past 2,000 plus years? Maybe, one-second? I'd say the smart money is that four years from now everyone in the Middle-East will still be hatin' and killin' one another regardless of nifty buzz-words like "smart-power".
Typical "Change"

Monday, January 12, 2009
Still self-deluded as ever.

Damn, this fat lady's legs are showing up all over the place!

Hope is a demon bitch...
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Future Engineers of Ford, GM, and Chrysler...
I mean, with smart-asses like this how else do we expect to live up to contemporary American students' expectations of self-entitlement, something for nothing, and snarkism? We just need more technology in the classroom because Einstein and all the great math/science minds of the past had loads of technology in their classrooms. Yeah, that's why they can't learn. Or maybe, if Britney Spears, 50 Cent, Miley Cyrus, and Lindsay Lohan would come out with instructional math music videos or movies the kids these days wouldn't be such lazy asses who expect to be able to buy everything on credit and be supported by the state for the rest of their lives?