Ahhh. It sucks being right, especially when everyone (including myself) would rather just have me be wrong. The truth hurts. And the truth is: nothing changes until people change, which is what I cynically said at the beginning of the campaign for "change".
I find it surprising that Obama is so surprised that a bunch of crooks stole his hand-out. As if Wall-Street execs and high powered CEO's are going to suddenly "change" or grow consciences just because there's a new boss in town. They and we are the same self-entitled, greedy, lazy, dim-witted Americans we were before he was elected. Not much has changed aside from a few cosmetic differences. Unfortunately, America and the majority of Americans are a bunch of narcistic, greedy crooks that only care about themselves.
Oh, and please (Obama) apply this lesson in human nature to the Russians and Iranians. They are not going to suddenly "change" just because you're being nice to them. They're still a bunch of misogynist, war mongering, corrupt, assholes. The sad truth is that most people don't change, because most people suck. Sorry, the truth hurts.