Thursday, March 13, 2008

L.A. Trash...

And I'm not talking about the homeless people. Just imagine that this pickup truck is a Rolls Royce...

So, I was walking over to New Japan when I saw this asshole in a Rolls Royce park where this pick-up truck is (I didn't have my camera on me-I took the picture 5 minutes too late). Anyways, this prick zoomed up, neglected to put his change in the meter, immediately got a ticket from a meter maid, ran into the 7-11 to get a squishy, and then came back to take the ticket off his windshield. The only reaction he had to the ticket was a scoff, which said: "This is chump change to me". It didn't even bother him that he got a ticket. He's much too rich and classy to carry chump change for parking meters with him, unless the chump change is in denominations of Jackson. All I could think was: "what a fucking asshole". He could have put the change in the meter and gave the sixty dollars for the ticket to the homeless veterans (most of the homeless in this area are veterans let out of the veterans center right up the street-more on this later). Well, that's this wonderful country for you. I don't know about you, but I'm getting sick and tired of people like that guy in the Rolls Royce.


Unknown said...

I see you've been quite busy today, I hate that part of town. assholes everywhere

The Hollywood Jedi said...

What a fucking Nerf-Herder!