At any rate, I'd like to bring something up about this picture that nobody in the media is asking.

Isn’t one of the sponsors the Chinese courier company? Doesn’t that mean that some of them were Chinese? Therefore, someone high up in the Chinese company must have known about the picture and approved it. Furthermore, according to Pau Gasol the “sponsors insisted and insisted”, so one of the Chinese sponsors must have insisted too? Did they come up with the campaign? If not, they had to be complacent with the campaign to some degree, right? Why isn’t anyone asking these questions, or is the knee jerk liberal media that desperate for a juicy racism story at the moment that they don’t care to answer the questions: who, what, where, when, and why? They prefer to just cry “racism” (when it was just poor judgment on the Spanish and Chinese sponsors parts) in order to get hits on their web-sites and sell stories.
This is one of the biggest resource grabs in history, and we need that oil. What if Russia starts fucking more people up? I'm sure if things got really bad they wouldn't have any qualms about bombing the shit out of the Middle-East and straight up taking their oil. If we move out do they move in? Scary thought. And did anyone notice that Russia had the balls to pull this shit during the Olympics?
One more thing, I was adamantly against going into Iraq in the fist place. But I hate to say it: if we leave without winning we're fucked if Russia ever decides to flex their muscles.
This picture is the Spanish Olympic Basketball Team in Beijing
No, its an add they ran for the Chinese sponsors who supply their shoes/uniforms. The Spanish team is pretty much owned by the Chinese.
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