I wasn't going to go here, but the door was opened for me. Therefore, I just have to go where no self-serving, politically correct white man has gone before.
"Bring it, Obama. No wait, I want to be secretary of state. Stick your cock down my throat, skull fuck me for all my ideas, policies, and appointments, call them your own, and to top it off rob me of my remaining dignity by blowing a fat load of jizz all over my face. And don't forget to get some in my eyes!"
By-the-way, I have nothing against Obama. I actually voted for him, but not b/c I think he's the "answer" or "change" we are looking for. He was just the lesser of two evils, as usual but in a different color. If his name was Jim Smith, he was white, had the same voice, same ideas, and spoke the exact same way no one would have been excited about his promise of "hope" and "change". I think a lot of people just got caught up in a cosmetic, superficial fad like most Americans do these days. He was an easy answer with an excellent sales pitch. I truly hope he proves me wrong, but then again hope hasn't gotten me very far in life. I'm just curbing my enthusiasm is all, Larry David style.
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