I don't know, maybe it's because I was raised to look beyond race, but it didn't even register in my brain that Lebron was black when I saw this picture. I just saw him as Lebron, the really badass basketball player that I'm a fan of. So, the ability for me to jump to the conclusion that this picture was racist wasn't even a possibility for me because I don't usually look at the world through a racial microscope in search of the microbe racism.
Sometimes, I think multi-cultural/ethnic study "activist/scholars" in this country get way too carried away with the race issue. Their ability to find racism in almost anything from a candy wrapper to a sexy picture is truly incredible and worth every tax dollar we spend on keeping them as faculty at respected public universities. I kind of see them like the characters in the movie Numbers or Pi. If you're paranoid and obsessive enough about something you'll be able to see it everywhere. Kind of like Jim Carrey seeing patterns with numbers everywhere he looks or the main character from PI who drives himself crazy because he just can't let the number go. The same is true with "scholars" that see racism everywhere because that's all they think about all the time. They need to let it go a little bit before they drive themselves crazy, and the general public along with them. Despite their obsession with race, there truly are people out there who don't think about it when they're dealing with people in everyday life. It'll be a truly a great day for the world when we can all do that. Of course, once that happens these "activist/scholars" will be out of the job.
Oh, and check out this article by Jason Whitlock of the Kansas City Star regarding the Lebron/Gisele photo shoot. He's a great sportswriter and is a pretty funny guy too. He makes a great point about how no one has a problem with Tyler Perry using negative black stereo types to make millions, but how everyone was up in arms about this sexy pic in Vogue.