Keep on fighting the power, man! One more bumper sticker and you might convince someone who otherwise wouldn't agree with you in one of your noble causes. Even better, go on a road trip cross-country and convert the masses one stop light/sign and/or traffic jam at a time!
Is it just me or is everyone in this country as deluded, self-important, and
egotistical as me? Does this guy really think anyone is reading his bumper stickers, let alone cares what he thinks? I haven't seen such elitist, self-righteousness since my days in Berkeley walking around
Sproul talking about philosophy, history, equality and other totally righteous things while trying to sound smarter and more righteous than everyone else. Gawd, college students are so annoying and pretentious. Man, I'm getting old. Sigh... All those people I used to know are now living comfortable middle-class life-styles and are more concerned about their new cars, new jobs, new clothes, and perhaps a donation to a noble cause every now and then. Everyone is a sell-out. Then again, you've got to sell out before you can buy into the dream. Apparently, my soul isn't worth selling. I should be taking lessons on life from Tucker Max.
Going on a road trip would defeat the cause of half of those bumper stickers talking about gas, war in Iraq, etc etc etc. My pet peave is why worry about shit in Africa when you could put all that energy and time into helping the impoverished in your own country. Besides, the starving in Africa are starving because they live in the boonies where food doesnt grow. Wanna feed starving children? Give them boxes, suitcases and a uhaul and move them closer to the food!
sorry for the rant.
I agree, save your own backyard first. All these L.A. activists need to wake up and smell the smog. We've got major problems here that aren't going away anytime soon. Save your own backyard before you try to save the world.
One thing I've learned about Californians is: They say they're going to do a lot of things until it comes time to doing those things, then they say they're going to do something else.
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