Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Roseanne has a point...

Albeit, she could have made her point less venemously and excluded bringing innocent (until they grow up) children into the fray.
Her point is that Hollywood "royalty", as the douche-bag synchophats on celebrity t.v. shows like to call them, are a bunch of stinking hypocrites the size of which only pales in comparison to their self-righteous egos.
People like Jolie and Pitt (and the California elite in general) love to parade around how self-righteous and enlightened they are to the rest of the country/world. And if everyone could just be a little more like them the world would be picture perfect like an air-brushed photo on the cover of Vanity Fair.
The thing is: the world cannot support the California/West-Coast/Hollywood lifestyle that they perpetuate through their life-styles and films. The amount of resources Brangelina consume has to be astounding compared to the average American. I'd love to know the combined carbon foot-print of the Hollywood/West Coast elite compared to the average Midwestern and Southerner who they love to demonize. I'm sure it's a lot because California already pollutes more than the rest of the country combined.
And while it was distasteful for Roseanne to bring Brangelina's kids into the fray she has a point when she say they'll come out "dunces". Those kids are going to be so spoiled that by the time they reach adult-hood they might as well have grown up as white, spoiled, Beverly Hills brats who consume far more than their fair share of the world's resources.
People just don't seem to get it that everything has to change-our lifestyles, mentalities, economies, governments, etc. The sad truth is that humanity learns the hard way. As long as we hold onto the same consumerist, "me, me, me, I'm so fucking special" mentalities nothing is going to really change. That is, until the bottom falls out on our shaky foundations and we're drowning in our own bull-shit.
Until that day happens I'm finding higher ground.
Oh, and I like Bragelina. I just think they're well-paid pawns to a system that they think they're helping to fight/change when in reality they're just perpetuating it despite their self-righteous, ego-stroking efforts. After-all, Hollywood types really aren't that smart and can't see anything outside their own little, individual boxes of greatness.
Go Hollywood hypocrites! Keep on making the psychotic movies that teach kids that they can't be happy without a bunch of cool stuff they don't need! People like you will truly save the world someday-by inadvertently helping to destroy it first so it can be rebuilt.
Peace, out.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
The masses prefer a pristine lie to the down and dirty truth-
Damn, I really need to get out of this city. Oh yeah, I am. Whoopeeeeeeee!
What's really happening in Georgia?
It's kind of like that song by Metallica "Of Wolf and Man". Listen to it and you'll get an idea of what's happening in the world right now. "Sad but True" is also a fitting song.
Anyways, have you ever looked at where Georgia is located on the map? If you haven't noticed it's in the perfect location for staging operations in the Middle-East not only for us, but for Russia as well. They know if we lose Iraq we will immediately set up some serious shop there. They don't want that for once glaring reason-they're preemptively preparing for WWIII.
That's not to say Russia wants to start a war merely for starting a war. They're preparing because they're cold hard realists that lack "the audacity of hope". Unlike Americans the Russian government has basically come to the conclusion that the coming climate crisis as a result of global warming is unavoidable. As a result, they're preparing for the major countries of the world to go to war over resources. Securing Georgia is a good start for them because it will cut us off from the Middle-East, prevent us from building missle defense systems, and will give them a direct point of entry to the Middle-East.
Another sad truth is that quite a few American scientists think the coming climate crisis is also unavoidable. Not to mention, the DOD expects as much as well. That's why we're in Iraq and setting up missle defense systems along the Russian border. We claim to have cladestine motives, but that's just a bunch of hypocritical American bullshit. We've become so good at fooling the world to our false ideals/values that the majority of Americans whole-heartedly believe our own bullshit.
Russia doesn't care for bullshit, they cut straight to the cold hard truth. They don't care about hopes, dreams, ideals, or values. All they care about is results. In their minds they're preparing for the inevitable.
Good by, cruel world. It will all be over soon, for most of us. In the end it will be a lesson well learned that will help us start a grand new beginning.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Here comes Russia to Save the Day...

"Goosing" is not not gay...
It's just "innocent, non-sexual horseplay, that adults who lack the innocence of teenagers don't understand," he laughably states to that effect with the darting eyes of a kid whose trying to spin an outrageous lie off the top of his head (or maybe he's just trying to remember what he wrote down before the interview).
Uh yeah, whatever. I grew up in a small town and remember alpha-male, macho athletes who used to "goose", and I thought that shit was gay as hell, even when I was twelve. Not to mention, the guys who habitually goosed or partook in "innocent, non-sexual, non-homo-erotic horseplay that involved rectums, choads, and penises" were the types to constantly use the words: gay, faggot, etc while partaking in "non-sexual" horseplay. And even if it was these guys stuck an unlubricated cell-phone up a 14 year olds ass for Christ's sake.
In my opinion, the varsity athletes are sick fucks and should be labeled sex offenders for the rest of their lives.
Oh, and 16 and 18 year olds (all teenagers for that matter) aren't that innocent, especially sexually. This isn't the fifties, even though towns like Wilson try to pretend it is. Anyways, here's the video. You can read the full story at ESPN.
One more thing, it's sexual "undertones" not "overtones". I absolutely agree with him that their are no sexual "overtones" to their behavior, but most definitely "undertones".
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
One of the keys to mutual understanding and world peace is...
At any rate, I'd like to bring something up about this picture that nobody in the media is asking.

Isn’t one of the sponsors the Chinese courier company? Doesn’t that mean that some of them were Chinese? Therefore, someone high up in the Chinese company must have known about the picture and approved it. Furthermore, according to Pau Gasol the “sponsors insisted and insisted”, so one of the Chinese sponsors must have insisted too? Did they come up with the campaign? If not, they had to be complacent with the campaign to some degree, right? Why isn’t anyone asking these questions, or is the knee jerk liberal media that desperate for a juicy racism story at the moment that they don’t care to answer the questions: who, what, where, when, and why? They prefer to just cry “racism” (when it was just poor judgment on the Spanish and Chinese sponsors parts) in order to get hits on their web-sites and sell stories.
This is one of the biggest resource grabs in history, and we need that oil. What if Russia starts fucking more people up? I'm sure if things got really bad they wouldn't have any qualms about bombing the shit out of the Middle-East and straight up taking their oil. If we move out do they move in? Scary thought. And did anyone notice that Russia had the balls to pull this shit during the Olympics?
One more thing, I was adamantly against going into Iraq in the fist place. But I hate to say it: if we leave without winning we're fucked if Russia ever decides to flex their muscles.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
I have to teach this woman's children...
Friday, August 1, 2008
Land of the Free, Home of the self-entitled...
"The American dream now isn't about owning your own home or car; it's about making enough money so you can purchase it on credit. You'll be very lucky, young man, to get through life without debt. We're a nation of consumers, but we don't really produce anything of much value. All we have is our purchasing power. It can't last that much longer if you think about it. I'm glad I won't be here much longer, relatively speaking."
I'm glad I've never had much of a greedy soul, at least in terms of acquiring excessive amounts of material possessions. Then again, I grew up in Nebraska, which is a microcosm all its own.
Unfortunately, the mentality that's eating us alive from the inside is spreading like a disease courtesy of Hollywood! I laughed my ass off to the point of almost puking when I saw that one of the families on Extreme Makeover Home Edition put up a 450,000 loan on a home that they otherwise couldn't afford in their wildest dreams without the help of the dream machine. Well, I'm sorry to say that's why they couldn't afford to buy a house in the first place-they're dumb, lazy, undereducated, overweight, self-entitled, greedy, All-American fat asses.
And who in their good conscience would allow that family to take the loan out in the first place? Never-mind, I didn't ask that question.
One thing that's exactly same about the real America and Hollywood is that they're both built on make-believe. Or maybe credit? At any rate people are going to have to pay their bills at some point, one way or the other, sooner or later.