Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
"America's enemies won't test me, but they might test Obama."
Sounds like more of the same to me, W, I mean John.
Well, here's what I fear the most McPain:
McCain also had the nerve to flatly say, "I won't raise taxes on anybody" in response to Obama’s tax plan. Please, how many times have we heard a Republican say “no new taxes” only to see them raise taxes?
Sounds like more of the same to me, W, I mean John.
Well, here's what I fear the most McPain:
"To teach or to kill people? That is the question."
McCain also had the nerve to flatly say, "I won't raise taxes on anybody" in response to Obama’s tax plan. Please, how many times have we heard a Republican say “no new taxes” only to see them raise taxes?
What happened to the personal responsibility Republicans love to tout?

"Homeowners are the innocent bystanders in a drive-by shooting by Wall Street and Washington," Republican presidential candidate John McCain said Wednesday.
Not to mention, what happened to the fundamental value shift that McCain has been touting concerning "Country First"? It sounds like McCain is sacrificing even more of his "values" just to get the votes of people who are just as much to blame for the American greed (Dream) game falling apart as the Wall Street guys, the federal government, and the banks. I'm sorry, but people need to take financial responsibility for their own investments, futures etc., rather than doing whatever it takes to keep up with the Hollywood Joneses. If the person taking out the loan can't figure out that he can't afford the loan (or can but doesn't care just so long as he can get the hot car/house to show of to his lost dream chasing friends) then it's just as much their fault as the person giving them the loan.
I remember a time when I used to work for MINI that I sold a guy a 20,000 dollar car for 50,000 dollars just so he could drive it off the lot that day. There's no way the guy could afford it being that he was backwards on his trade-in. Not to mention, the guy didn't make that much money. But he wanted it "soooo bad". Sad thing is he just had a kid and was talking to me about how he needed to start a college fund for his newborn. However, he just "had to have this car and was willing to do anything to get it". So I worked out a monthly payment plan that he could afford. Thing was that by the time it was paid off it would cost him 50 Gs. He was so happy to have gotten his hot car that he didn't even do the math to see how much the car would cost him by the time he paid the car off. Lucky me, I ended up getting a sweet commission for the deal. I'm not proud of what I did, but a lot of people were caught up in riding the "something for nothing" gravy train at the time.
People (everyone in this country) need to start taking responsibility for this gigantic All-American fuck-up of a country that we've all helped create with our backwards "Bigger is better, Hollywood mentality". After-all, this is a democracy. Therefore, we're all in it together and all responsible to some degree in terms of where this country is and where it's going.
Get your shit together, America. This whole mess is highlighting the pathetic, self-serving, childish nature of the American mentality.
2008 Election,
The American Dream,
U.S. Politics
Saturday, October 18, 2008
McCain came to change Washington, but Washington changed McCain
How can you be "country first" and a Christian while being against taking money from the rich (people who don't need it) and giving it to the poor (the people who do need it)? You can't, unless you're insane in the McCain.
Hypocritical Republicans make me sick. They make hypocritical Democrats look like angels. For the love of God, what's wrong with people? We've all gone mad.
McCain's real slogan should be: "The rich first, everyone else second class servants to the rich". In other words, by "country" McCain really means "rich people and gun toting rednecks who enjoy shooting people they don't understand for kicks".
Hypocritical Republicans make me sick. They make hypocritical Democrats look like angels. For the love of God, what's wrong with people? We've all gone mad.
McCain's real slogan should be: "The rich first, everyone else second class servants to the rich". In other words, by "country" McCain really means "rich people and gun toting rednecks who enjoy shooting people they don't understand for kicks".
2008 Election,
The American Dream,
World Politics
Thursday, October 16, 2008
America's reaction to the debate last night:
Left-wing: "We're so screwed if McCain is elected."
Right-Wing: "We're so screwed if Obama is elected."
Anyone w/out their head up their ass, and doesn't like the smell of their own bull-shit: "We're screwed no matter what".
I'm sorry, I like Obama and really want to "hope" he can single-handedly save the world, but from experience I find that "hope"in itself isn't enough. There needs to be some steel to his words, and a solid American public instilled with the values that are essential to a strong democracy (education, intellect, work-ethic, open-minds, altruistic motives, a lack of hypocrisy, etc.). Unfortunately, the majority of Americans (on both sides) lost their minds and any real "American values" a long time ago.
Not to mention, Obama is just looking like a smooth talking politician with a seductive voice to me right now. And McCain just looks like an angry, crazed old curmudgeon that will do anything to win.
Yeah, I'm not exactly optimistic, but I'm not exactly pessimistic either. I'm just realistic.
By the way, I'll be posting my short-story soon and the pdf version of my novel "The Land of Lost Dreams". I'm almost set up here in Portland, so I'll have plenty of time to write my next novel too. Yay!
They wanted hope, but the only hope that I could give them was that there is no hope for this world...but life would go on, just not the way you could have ever imagined. The way that you had hoped it would.
Right-Wing: "We're so screwed if Obama is elected."
Anyone w/out their head up their ass, and doesn't like the smell of their own bull-shit: "We're screwed no matter what".
I'm sorry, I like Obama and really want to "hope" he can single-handedly save the world, but from experience I find that "hope"in itself isn't enough. There needs to be some steel to his words, and a solid American public instilled with the values that are essential to a strong democracy (education, intellect, work-ethic, open-minds, altruistic motives, a lack of hypocrisy, etc.). Unfortunately, the majority of Americans (on both sides) lost their minds and any real "American values" a long time ago.
Not to mention, Obama is just looking like a smooth talking politician with a seductive voice to me right now. And McCain just looks like an angry, crazed old curmudgeon that will do anything to win.
Yeah, I'm not exactly optimistic, but I'm not exactly pessimistic either. I'm just realistic.
By the way, I'll be posting my short-story soon and the pdf version of my novel "The Land of Lost Dreams". I'm almost set up here in Portland, so I'll have plenty of time to write my next novel too. Yay!
They wanted hope, but the only hope that I could give them was that there is no hope for this world...but life would go on, just not the way you could have ever imagined. The way that you had hoped it would.
2008 Election,
The American Dream,
U.S. Politics
Sunday, October 12, 2008
It's a proud day to be an American...
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Is Barack Obama an Arab?
Somebody actually asked this question? And they're allowed to vote? Jesus fucking Christ...you've got to be kidding me.
I'm sorry, but it's not "socialists" like Obama that are a threat to democracy or the well-being of our country. It's idiots that have to ask this question. God damn, are there really that many ignorant and uniformed Americans this late in the presidential race?
I may be a teacher and love to say that there is never a dumb question, but this definitely was a dumb question.
“There are millions of people around this world praying to their god—whether it’s Hindu, Buddha, Allah—that his opponent wins, for a variety of reasons. And Lord, I pray that you will guard your own reputation, because they’re going to think that their God is bigger than you, if that happens,” said Arnold Conrad, the former pastor of Grace Evangelical Free Church in Davenport.
No wonder God is damning this country. His "Christian" American preachers are about as ignorant and illiterate as the "Is Barack an Arab?" guy.
I'm sorry, but it's not "socialists" like Obama that are a threat to democracy or the well-being of our country. It's idiots that have to ask this question. God damn, are there really that many ignorant and uniformed Americans this late in the presidential race?
I may be a teacher and love to say that there is never a dumb question, but this definitely was a dumb question.
“There are millions of people around this world praying to their god—whether it’s Hindu, Buddha, Allah—that his opponent wins, for a variety of reasons. And Lord, I pray that you will guard your own reputation, because they’re going to think that their God is bigger than you, if that happens,” said Arnold Conrad, the former pastor of Grace Evangelical Free Church in Davenport.
No wonder God is damning this country. His "Christian" American preachers are about as ignorant and illiterate as the "Is Barack an Arab?" guy.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Bush needs to stop trying to "inspire" confidence.

Saturday, October 4, 2008
Palin vs. Biden Speach...
One of the things that bothered me the most about this speech was Palin referring to Biden as "bringing up the past without looking to the future".
This is exactly why the Republicans got us into this mess in the first place-they don't understand the past. After-all, those most likely to repeat the mistakes of the past in the present are those who don't understand the past. Kind of like how the Republicans didn't understand that we shouldn't prop our economy against the housing market (like Japan did), or how they didn't learn from Vietnam (you can't win a war of occupation through attrition). These are just a couple examples of how the Republicans would rather stick their heads up their asses than analyze their own mistakes so they don't make the same ones in the future.
One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. It cuts both ways. They wouldn't have become terrorists if we wouldn't have made them terrorists through our hypocritical, self-serving actions. The Middle-East and Iran hates us for a reason-we fucked them over. In-fact, they used to like us until we stabbed them in the back and fucked them in the ass on numerous occasions.
Study up on your history, Sarah Palin. Not to mention, the rest of the ignorant Americans who think we're the "shining beacon of good in the world". Fucking morons. We deserve this mess. If there is a God it's going to get a lot worse before it gets better for America and the rest of the world.
This is exactly why the Republicans got us into this mess in the first place-they don't understand the past. After-all, those most likely to repeat the mistakes of the past in the present are those who don't understand the past. Kind of like how the Republicans didn't understand that we shouldn't prop our economy against the housing market (like Japan did), or how they didn't learn from Vietnam (you can't win a war of occupation through attrition). These are just a couple examples of how the Republicans would rather stick their heads up their asses than analyze their own mistakes so they don't make the same ones in the future.
One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. It cuts both ways. They wouldn't have become terrorists if we wouldn't have made them terrorists through our hypocritical, self-serving actions. The Middle-East and Iran hates us for a reason-we fucked them over. In-fact, they used to like us until we stabbed them in the back and fucked them in the ass on numerous occasions.
Study up on your history, Sarah Palin. Not to mention, the rest of the ignorant Americans who think we're the "shining beacon of good in the world". Fucking morons. We deserve this mess. If there is a God it's going to get a lot worse before it gets better for America and the rest of the world.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Someone asked me if I'll miss the L.A. sunshine...
Well, sort of, but not really. The smog-shine is kind of gross and makes your skin feel all clammy and nasty, especially after you're in a place that doesn't have any air pollution. Not to mention, it's really bad for your lungs. However, I probably won't be saying that in the middle of winter. I'll be begging for some smog-shine.
One thing I definitely won't miss is the lack of water in California. After driving by the reservoirs near the NorCAL/Oregon border I really got a sense of how dire the California water crisis is. This is the only picture I was able to take because I was driving. It isn't the best, but you should get the idea. Well, enjoy drinking and bathing in your recycled shit, piss, cum, hormone, persciption medicated water Cali!

Get out while you still can, friends!
Then again, I'm sure Obama will change everything once he's elected President by filling up the empty reservoirs with hope! He'll just spread his arms out and give the sky an eloquent speech that will cause the heavens to rain unlimited opportunity, wealth, and enlightenment down on America and its people. After-all, this is the same guy that voted for the bail-out. What a change!
One thing I definitely won't miss is the lack of water in California. After driving by the reservoirs near the NorCAL/Oregon border I really got a sense of how dire the California water crisis is. This is the only picture I was able to take because I was driving. It isn't the best, but you should get the idea. Well, enjoy drinking and bathing in your recycled shit, piss, cum, hormone, persciption medicated water Cali!
Get out while you still can, friends!
Then again, I'm sure Obama will change everything once he's elected President by filling up the empty reservoirs with hope! He'll just spread his arms out and give the sky an eloquent speech that will cause the heavens to rain unlimited opportunity, wealth, and enlightenment down on America and its people. After-all, this is the same guy that voted for the bail-out. What a change!
So they pased the bailout. Now what happens?
1. The Market skyrockets for a short-period of time (maybe a year and a half max).
2. Credit lines to people/businesses who can't pay their bills are re-opened. Those people/businesses spend more money that they can't pay back.
3. Wall street types start figuring out that a bail-out doesn't equate to new jobs or more highly-skilled/educated American workers. Out-sourcing to different countries with better educated, harder working, and lower paid workers continues.
4. The bailout money runs out and Americans (private citizens, businesses, and the government) are in even more debt than before.
5. The bigwigs on Wall-Street that got bailed out figure out whats going on (the economy still sucks, their are no jobs, and people still can't pay their bills) and in response they save their own asses by selling off massive amounts of stock in order to secure their wealth. After-all, this is all Paulson and the like care about-getting the market back up so his friends can sell high instead of low and maintain their position in society.
6. On one dark day the market tanks in response to the massive sell-off of stocks by the whales on Wall Street. The next day the average American stock-holder responds to the massive sell-out of the whales on Wall-Street and the market tanks even further.
7. We the people (anyone not in the top 5% of the tax bracket) are completely fucked. But at least the big-wigs got out at the top of the market.
8. America continues its downward spiral down the toilet.
2. Credit lines to people/businesses who can't pay their bills are re-opened. Those people/businesses spend more money that they can't pay back.
3. Wall street types start figuring out that a bail-out doesn't equate to new jobs or more highly-skilled/educated American workers. Out-sourcing to different countries with better educated, harder working, and lower paid workers continues.
4. The bailout money runs out and Americans (private citizens, businesses, and the government) are in even more debt than before.
5. The bigwigs on Wall-Street that got bailed out figure out whats going on (the economy still sucks, their are no jobs, and people still can't pay their bills) and in response they save their own asses by selling off massive amounts of stock in order to secure their wealth. After-all, this is all Paulson and the like care about-getting the market back up so his friends can sell high instead of low and maintain their position in society.
6. On one dark day the market tanks in response to the massive sell-off of stocks by the whales on Wall Street. The next day the average American stock-holder responds to the massive sell-out of the whales on Wall-Street and the market tanks even further.
7. We the people (anyone not in the top 5% of the tax bracket) are completely fucked. But at least the big-wigs got out at the top of the market.
8. America continues its downward spiral down the toilet.
The American Dream,
U.S. Politics
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